
Amid the chaos of the epidemic, the sisters of the Holy Spirit, along with some dedicated Community Health Volunteers, stepped in to provide much-needed guidance and support and conducted continuous Health Awareness campaigns. Their tireless efforts began to resonate with the villagers, particularly the elders, who realized that forming a sanitation committee could be a...

Today, Chittiamma lives happily with her daughter, surrounded by love and care. Her story will remain in history as a testament of the power of compassion, medical intervention, and community support. The sisters of the St. Joseph Health Center not only provided her with a second chance in life but also restored her human dignity...

The 79th CHAI AGBM and National Health Conference was held from 16th to 18th September 2022 at Rajagiri Hospital, Kerala. The theme of the event was “Post COVID Healthcare – Challenges and opportunities.” Board members from the CHAI national board and 11 regional units participated in the three-day event. Thematic speakers shared their expertise on the...

Dear Friends, The current term of the present CHAI Director General, Rev. Dr. Mathew Abraham C.Ss.R. is due to be completed in April 2021. Based on the officially prescribed internal processes of CHAI, the CHAI National Board has extended the tenure of Fr. Mathew as Director General for a term of 5 years, till 30...