In a small village named Shankar nagar of Chhattisgarh, lived a 15-year-old girl named Muskan, with mental disability. Muskan’s condition required special attention, but with limited resources and knowledge, her parents could not do much.

Reema Nirmalkar, was a dedicated Community Health Volunteer (CHV) from JMJ Social Service Society, an implementing partner organization of CHAI. During one of her home visits, Reema noticed Muskan’s lethargic and pale complexion and understood about Muskan’s severe menstrual issues.  A consultation was arranged for Muskan using the CHAI telehealth platform with the help of Sr. Philomina from JMJ Social Service Society.

Thereafter, Muskan was taken to the local Primary Health Center (PHC) for a thorough check-up. The doctor there, sensing something more serious, referred them to the district hospital in Supela. Reema accompanied Muskan and her grandmother to Supela. Muskan’s hemoglobin level had dropped to a dangerously low 3 mg/dl, a condition that required immediate intervention. The doctors acted swiftly, and blood transfusion was done to stabilize Muskan’s hemoglobin levels. Reema stayed by her side throughout the process, offering comfort and support. After the transfusion, Muskan slowly regained her strength.

In the following weeks, Reema continued to visit Muskan, ensuring she was eating food rich in iron to help boost her hemoglobin levels. She also educated Muskan’s family on menstrual hygiene, the importance of adhering to medical advice and the dangers of stopping medication prematurely. Muskan’s journey to recovery is a testament to the silent suffering of young girls with mental disability and the power of community health interventions organized by Catholic sisters in different parts of the country.

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