Vision & Mission


The Catholic Health Association of India upholds its commitment to bring ‘Health for All’. It views health as a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being, and not merely the absence of sickness.


In order to realize the vision, CHAI endeavours to

  • Promote community health, understood as a process of enabling the people, especially the poor and the marginalized, to be collectively responsible to attain and maintain their health and demand health as a right, and ensure availability of quality health care at a reasonable cost.

  • Prevent and control communicable and non-communicable diseases as they cause a huge public health burden as well as take a heavy toll on human life in the country.

  • Provide relief to disaster victims in the country and bring the affected to normal level of functioning.

  • Ensure relief and rehabilitation to persons with disabilities.

  • Sustain advocacy for the cause of the poor and needy.

  • Promote clean energy solutions in institutions and communities

“the sufferings of the world should have an echo in your hearts”


Dr Anna Dengel